NTCRA Progress
August 2016: Building Demolition Complete
Nine hundred twelve (912) trucks, including two tankers, consisting of 23.5 million pounds (approximately 11,738 tons) of waste have been shipped for off-site disposal as of 1SEP2016.
Four hundred seventy nine (479) containers have shipped off-site since Building Demolition commenced, accounting for almost 15 million pounds of the total.
Building Demolition Activities June – July 2016
Building Demolition Continues April – June
Winter Shutdown December 2015-March 2016
In December 2015, 8 containers holding 272,560 pounds of debris and higher activity wastes were shipped to Energy Solutions in Utah. The remaining liquid wastes on-site were also shipped out to Energy Solutions in December, totaling 27,880 pounds of corrosives (acids / bases), lab chemicals, and oils/oily wastes. These two shipments completed the removal of materials from the building interior.
Over the winter, site activities have focused on the final cleaning of the interior of structures. This process included HEPA vacuuming of interior surfaces and applying a spray coating to cause any residual dust to adhere to the surfaces. Buildings A, B, C, E, and B4 have been completed and are ready for demolition. Building D is nearly complete with the exception of the north end, which has been left for storage and loading of debris generated during the cleaning process.
Butler Building B4, locked down and sealed, January 2016.
October / November 2015: Building demolition
In accordance with the Phase 3 Construction Submittal, approved by EPA 20OCT15, building demolition has been divided into two stages, with Stage 1 occurring fall 2015 prior to a winter shutdown, and Stage 2 to follow in the spring of 2016. Stage 1 building demolition consisted of the out buildings: Tank House, Hydrogen Peroxide Tank House, Acetone Distillation Shed and Butler Buildings B1, B2, and B3. Stage 2 includes demolition of the main site structures. Stage 1 Demolition is now complete.
August 2015: Building clean out nearly complete in preparation for Phase 3 approval. 

June 2015: Rooftop systems removal and 1,400-ton Press removal
April 2015: Interior building demolition near completion.
As shown in photos below, demolition of non-structural walls and asbestos removal essentially complete. Rooftop equipment removal scheduled to start in late April/May and building demolition scheduled for this summer. Shipping campaign moved from April to early May based on container availability and schedule impacts due to winter snowfall.
February 2015 holds record snowfall for Boston area. Snow slows progress at site.

January 2015 Asbestos Abatement Update: Building A complete, began abatement in Building B.
Bldg A Hallway with Asbestos Containing Materials
High Hazard Area/Building D Progress